If you have been summoned to come talk to us in a board hearing, it is because we want to know more about you. It is up to you do decide whether you want to talk to us – it is completely voluntary. You can bring an adult you trust with you.

At UNE, you get to talk to a board chair. The board chair is responsible for your case and is one of the people who decides who gets to stay in Norway. You and the board chair can talk in a separate room. If you do not speak Norwegian, an interpreter will help you.

While you are talking to the board chair, some other adults will be sitting in the next room. They will listen to what you are saying to each other. If you bring a lawyer or guardian with you, he or she will also be in the next room.

You may be asked different things about yourself and your childhood. It's you can’t or don’t wish to answer the questions, that is perfectly fine. But what you do tell must be the truth. You have the right to state your opinion about a case that concerns you. That does not mean that you get to decide, but that we have to take your best interests into consideration when we make a decision in the case.

Everyone who is listening to what you have to say is bound by a duty of confidentiality. That means that they are not allowed to tell anyone what you said. You have to tell the board chair if you want to talk about something you don’t want your parents to know about. We will not use what you tell us to check whether your parents are telling the truth. When we talk to you, we are only trying to find out more about your situation and what will be best for you.