UNE has a case department with seven case processing units, which are divided in accordance with types of cases and land areas. Seventeen board chairs decide cases prepared by the case processing units. UNE also has legal, administrative and practical support functions.
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Director General
Marianne Jakobsen is the director general of UNE. She started 15 March 2021, and is appointed for a period of six years.

Department of Board Chairs
UNE has 17 board chairs. They have the same qualifications as judges and consider all kinds of cases. They are independent decision-makers who cannot be instructed in individual cases.
Head of Department: Jannike Eggen

Department of case processing
The department has seven case units, which prepare cases for our decision-makers and look after improvement work and practical tasks around the board meetings.
Head of department: Anne-Karin Westbye
Anne-Karin Westbye (høyoppløselig jpg)

Department of Legal Affairs
The department coordinates hearings and professional reports to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security. It has special expertise in immigration law, human rights and administrative law. The department includes the Unit for legal support.
Head of department: Ketil Larsen

Business management
The unit attends to, among other things, management dialogue with the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, follows up performance targets and reporting requirements, and coordinates forecasting, statistics and analysis work.
Head of unit: Elisabeth Taraldsen Hyllseth

The communications unit works on user services, media services, transparency and access, the website, intranet, internal communication and contingency plans for crisis communication.
Head of unit: Bjørn Lyster

Department of Technology and development
The technology and development department is responsible for all aspects of IT and security in UNE. This includes strategy and development work, enterprise architecture, operation, training and procurement. The department collaberate closely with the UDI, especially on security and business architecture. The department includes these two units.
Head of Department: Irene Øyangen

Department of administration
The department works with a wide range of support services, particularly within HR, finance and personnel management and various operational functions. The department includes these units.
Head of department: Sonja Engen Siewert

Litigation unit
The Litigation unit is an independent unit comprising attorneys and asscoiate attornyes, which attends to and pleads the bulk of legal cases on behalf of the state represented by UNE. Here you can find the contact details for UNEs attorneys and associate attorneys.
Head of Department: Kjell Handeland
Kjell Handeland (high-resolution jpg)