The waiting time for expulsion cases is ten months
The waiting time starts running from the date your case is received by UNE. You will be notified as soon as we have considered your appeal.
When do we spend more time than estimated?
Sometimes it takes more time than normal for us to consider a case. There is usually a reason for this, for example that we are waiting for information from you as the appellant or that we need information from other sources. It may also be that we are waiting for a decision in a court case or in an asylum case.
Longer waiting time for some cases
We currently have longer waiting time for:
- Request for reversal in expulsion cases: 12 months
Waiting times may change
We will update the information on this page once a month.
Questions and answers
If you have been expelled from Norway, but you wish to return before the prohibition on entry expires, you can apply to the UDI to have the prohibtion lifted.
You can read more about the application requirements on the UDI's website.