Board hearings take place in camera and must be conducted in a responsible manner and with respect for all involved parties. IR-04 describes how a board hearing is prepared and how it is conducted. For example, it will vary whether or not the board hearing is conducted by the appellant attending in person to give a statement in his or her case. Here you will also find information about the different participants at a board hearing and what their roles are, and how the tasks are divided between the board chair and case officer.
Published: 18/05/2017 18/05/2017
Last updated:
IR-04: Considering and deciding cases at a board hearing
The internal guidelines (IR) are the overriding governing documents that are intended to ensure high quality and efficient case processing. They set out the key aspects of UNE’s legal obligations and its case processing procedures. UNE’s director general approves all internal guidelines. The internal guidelines are only available in Norwegian.