The waiting time for cases concerning permanent residence permits is 0 - 8 months

This means that we process most permanent residence permit cases within eight months. Cases that will clearly result in rejection may be considered first. This concerns cases where it is obvious that UNE will reach the same decision as UDI. In such cases, the answer from UNE may come within a few days. You will be notified as soon as we have considered your appeal.

What can you do to ensure your case is processed as quickly as possible?

You can ensure that we have all the documents we need to consider your case. UDI has a checklist for the documents required when an application is submitted for a permanent residence permit (external link). You don't need to send us the same documents that you have already submitted to UDI.

It is also important that you read UDI's decision and the reason for rejecting your case.

When do we spend more time than estimated?

Sometimes it takes more time than normal for us to consider a case. There is usually a reason for this. It could be because we are waiting for information from you as the appellant, or that we need information from other sources, such as an embassy, the police or UDI. It could also take more time if there are other cases that need to be considered first.

Waiting times may change

We will update the information on this page once a month.