Until further notice, the police will not carry out returns to Uzbekistan. Applicants’ duty to return after receiving a rejection of their application for a residence permit will also be temporarily suspended.

Statement published on 19 December 2014

Recently, the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) has received information that the government of Uzbekistan has arrested a number of individuals who have returned there from Norway. This concerns both persons who have previously been granted protection in Norway, but who have gone back nonetheless, and persons who have returned after having received a rejection of their application for asylum.

A temporary suspension of forced returns and of the duty to return was decided to ensure that UNE gains an overview of the situation, where new information continuously emerges that may have a bearing on the assessment of who returning could be dangerous for.

This means that, until further notice, Uzbek nationals who have received a final decision from UNE in which the Directorate of Immigration’s (UDI) rejection is upheld are not required to comply with the duty to return that follows from the decision. In addition to former asylum seekers, this applies to persons who have a duty to return after having received a rejection of their application for residence pursuant to other parts of the regulations.

UNE has informed the National Police Immigration Service (NPIS) that, until further notice, no one in the above-mentioned groups is to be deported.

The suspension of the duty to return does not apply to persons covered by the Dublin Regulation or the first asylum country rule. They will continue to be returned to the country in which their asylum applications are to be considered pursuant to international agreements and conventions.