The immigration authorities have been in contact with all the deported families with children.

The new Regulations that entered into force on 15 June 2015 concern 30 deported families. All the families have now been informed about the opportunity to request to have their cases reconsidered.

As of 30 July 2015, the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) had received 26 requests for reversal from families with children who have been forcibly returned and are currently abroad. The families comprise 108 persons, 56 of whom are children who have lived in Norway for more than four years.

In most of the cases, UNE has still not received sufficient information to decide the cases, but the families have stated that they will send more information later.

High priority

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security has ordered UNE to prioritise these cases. We have made arrangements that enable UNE’s boards to consider the cases on an ongoing basis as soon as the necessary information has been received from the families and the cases are elucidated as well as possible.

Three of the families have had their requests for reversal considered and a further two will have their cases considered over the next few days. We aim to consider more cases over the coming weeks.

Of the three families whose cases had been decided as of 30 July 2015, two have had their previous decisions reversed and have thereby been granted residence permits. The rejection was upheld for one family.

Case processing time

We aim to have decided most of the families’ cases by the end of September. This is dependent on the families providing UNE with enough information to allow their cases to be considered.

A limited group of children

The Regulations apply to children who:

  • are currently staying abroad
  • were forcibly returned in the period between 1 July 2014 and 18 March 2015, and
  • have lived in Norway for at least four years.