As of 13 August 2015:

  • Three families with children have been granted a residence permit in Norway
  • Three families with children have had their application rejected after consideration in board hearings, and the decisions were unanimous.

Case processing times

Board hearings have been scheduled over the next two weeks to consider the cases of a further ten deported families with children. The board hearings will be cancelled if the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) has not received enough information to allow the cases to be considered.

UNE aims to give answers to all deported families with children who have requested reversal during the course of September. This is dependent on UNE having received enough information to allow the cases to be considered.

Twenty-six requests for reversal

As of 13 August 2015, UNE had received 26 requests for reversal from families who have been forcibly returned and are currently abroad. The families comprise about 110 persons, 55 of whom are children who have lived in Norway for more than four years.

High priority

The Ministry of Justice and Public Security has ordered UNE to prioritise these cases. The cases of families who come from countries in which the duty to return is currently suspended are given particular priority. UNE has considered one request for reversal of this type and has no others under consideration.

A team comprising experienced case officers are responsible for preparing the cases. The board members are summoned to board hearings in advance, even if the case is not ready for consideration. In this way, the cases can be considered on an ongoing basis as soon as UNE has received sufficient information to allow the case to be considered.

Concerns 30 families

The new Regulations that entered into force on 15 June 2015 concern 30 families. The immigration authorities have been in contact with all 30 families.

A limited group of children

The Regulations apply to children who:

  • are currently staying abroad
  • were forcibly returned in the period between 1 July 2014 and 18 March 2015, and
  • have lived in Norway for at least four years.

Statement published: 14 August 2015