UNE finds that the general security situation in Gaza has now been sufficiently clarified. On the basis of this, UNE has decided to lift the suspension of the duty to return to Gaza.
In a statement delivered on 24.06.2021, UNE informed that, due to the deterioration of the security and the humanitaraian situation in the area, it was decided to temporarily suspend the duty to return for persons who had received a rejection of their asylum application.
The security situation is still described as fragile, and there is a risk that new acts of war may occur in the future. However, UNE find that there is sufficient information about the security and humanitarian situation in Gaza to begin processing the cases.
The decision to reverse the suspension of the duty to return to Gaza means that all persons who have previously received, or will from now receive, a final decision requiring them to return to Gaza, are obliged to leave Norway. The Police can resume the implementation of forced returns to Gaza.
Those who have asked for a new assessment of their case will have their request granted. Those who have asked for a new assessment, and have been given a deferred implementation, have the right to stay in Norway until their case has been reassessed.
UNE monitors the situation in Gaza closely, and will make individual assessments in each case in light of the current security and humanitarian situation.
An important source of country information for the UDI and UNE is reports prepared by Landinfo. Landinfo is an independent, professional unit that collects, assesses and analyses country information. In Landinfo’s report, dated 1.12.2021, you can read more about the humanitarian situation on the Gaza Strip (external link).