The memo discusses examples of decisions that are used to describe UNE’s practice where the appellant is considered a refugee, cf. the Immigration Act Section 28 first paragraph (a) because of membership of a ‘particular social group’, cf. the Immigration Act Section 30 first paragraph (c).
The memo is intended to illustrate how this convention ground is assessed in a range of individual cases and is not an exhaustive description of the practice in the two areas discussed. Around 60 decisions have been reviewed. The decisions have been retrieved from the case units practice overviews/memos, in addition to a review of the database of previous decisions and “UNEpraksis” (UNE’s internal practice overview). An attempt has been made to divide the memo into a few main groups under the topic. However, this division is not entirely adequate as the review shows that one woman who has violated social and cultural norms could be assigned to several categories (lack of personal network, honour-related cases, forced marriage, fear of sexual violence etc.).