The Government has instructed UNE to put right of residence cases for certain types of family members of EEA nationals in Norway on hold.
We have put the cases on hold pending a possible amendment to section 19-7 of the Immigration Regulation. The instruction from the Government is available in Norwegian at regjeringen.no.
These cases are put on hold
This applies to cases where certain types of family members of EEA nationals in Norway have applied for either:
- Residence card
- Permanent residence certificate or permanent residence card
- Preserving the right of residence in Norway
It applies to these family members:
- Persons who are to contract marriage with the EEA national after entry
- Persons in need of care
- Foster children under the age 18
- Full brothers and sisters under the age of 18
- Persons belonging to the EEA national's household
The above list is a simplified overview of the groups mentioned in section 19-7 of the Immigration Regulations (lovdata.no). The provision is in Norwegian, but an unofficial English translation from 2014 is also available at regjeringen.no. The English version does not have legal status and is not updated continuously.
We also put related cases on hold
Some expulsion and revocation cases are also put on hold. These are cases that cannot be decided until a final decision pursuant to section 19-7 of the Immigration Regulation has been made.
We still process some cases
We can still process cases where the current conditions are clearly met, or where there is clear abuse of the EEA rules. We may still obtain information about cases and carry out investigations that are necessary to determine whether or not a case should be processed.
If the complainant lacks health insurance or the health insurance is inadequate, we will put the case on hold without further investigation. The instruction apply to cases we have started processing as well as future cases.
Not sure if this applies to you?
You will be notified if your case is put on hold. We continuously assess which individual cases the instruction apply to. If you are unsure whether your case will be put on hold, you may contact us and ask for an assessment.
The police have received the same instruction and will not deport anyone whose case is put on hold.