UDI and UNE cannot emphasize the applicant's situation if returned by force, when assessing whether an asylum seeker needs protection.
So far this year, UNE has processed fewer cases than at the same time last year. If we look at different types of cases, the picture is more complex.
It is an important legal principle that similar cases should have the same outcome. In the appeals board system, there are nonetheless legitimate reasons why cases with many similarities sometimes have different outcomes. One reason is a wish to adjust the board’s practice.
With effect from 1. July 2020 a new temporary law makes it easier for foreign nationals who have a work permit or a student permit to travel to Norway.
Since its establishment in 2001, UNE has made almost 120,000 asylum decisions. In a small number of cases each year, an appellant or his or her spokesperson informs us that things have gone wrong after the return. What does UNE do in such cases and why?
What is due process and how does UNE contribute to ensuring compliance with the principles of due process in the immigration administration?
UNE is resuming board meetings. We are introducing measures to control infection that are in compliance with the recommendations from the health authorities.
UNE has temporarily stopped issuing residence permit grants for persons residing outside of Norway. The reason for this is that no visas for visitors to Norway are currently being granted by Norwegian missions abroad.
UNE will maintain approximately normal operations, but will prioritise cases that can be decided by a board chair.
Published 17/03/2020   Statements Case processing Corona/Covid-19
UNE has postponed all board hearings and other hearings (forvaltningssamtaler). The decision applies, for the time being, to the end of April.