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The amendment to the regulations give a group of people who have been granted time-limited permits as unaccompanied minors the right to re-apply for protection. The applications are to be submitted to UDI.

The Norwegian Parliament, the Storting, decided in autumn 2017 that a group of young asylum seekers will have their cases reconsidered. The Ministry of Justice and Public Security has now amended the regulations to allow this group to re-apply. The amendments will enter into force on 1 February 2018.

The persons concerned must submit their applications to the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) within 90 days after the amendments enter into force. All the applicants will be given free legal advice (a lawyer).

You can check if you can re-apply and find information about how to apply at udi.no.

Most of the people covered by this arrangement are from Afghanistan.

It is UDI that, in the first instance, will consider your application. If UDI rejects you application, you can appeal to the Immigration Appeals Board (UNE).

Further reading: